Who We Are
We are a community of ordinary people who have been rescued by the grace of a loving God. We are a diverse church, gathered from over 40 different countries. Yet, we are united in the gospel and committed to one another. No matter where you are from, there are people like you here at EBCI.

Get to know our Pastor

Justin Runyan
Pastor Justin arrived at EBCI in July 2021. Justin grew up in the United States. He graduated from Taylor University (Upland, Indiana) with a Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies. He is also a graduate of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (Louisville, Kentucky) with a Masters of Divinity (M.Div) and Doctorate of Ministry (D.Min) degrees.
Justin has been in local church ministry for nearly 20 years, with 14 of those years as a Senior Pastor. He is married to Lauren and they have been blessed with four children.
Justin has been in local church ministry for nearly 20 years, with 14 of those years as a Senior Pastor. He is married to Lauren and they have been blessed with four children.
What is the gospel?
The gospel is the good news that Jesus lived the perfect life we should have lived, that he paid the penalty for sin in his death that we should pay, and that he rose from the dead defeating sin and death. He now offers salvation to every person who repents and believes in him. Jesus promises to come again and restore all things for those who are his. If you have any questions, we’d love to tell you more about the gospel and what it means for you.

What We Believe
Our Statement of Faith summarizes the foundational beliefs of our church. EBCI is a Christian, Evangelical, Baptist, congregational church.

Church Covenant
EBCI is a covenant community. The church covenant expresses how we strive to live together as a family of faith.

Mission & Core Values
Our mission statement and core values communicate the commitments of our church that shape our approach to life and ministry.

25 Years of Faithful Ministry in Dubai
Since our founding in 1997, Emirates Baptist Church International has existed to make disciples of Jesus Christ and proclaim the good news of his grace. The vision that inspired the church’s founding still motivates our ministries today.
Join our Community
No matter who you are or where you’re from, you are welcome here. While living in Dubai, let us walk beside you in relationships shaped by both love and truth.